We are a team of dedicated and supportive staff who have the best interests of our children at the heart of all the decisions we make. We are proud to be part of the wonderful Oxhey family and community.
Our Senior Leadership Team:
Mrs L Jukes – Executive Headteacher
Mrs E Holt – Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Leader and SENDCo
Mrs V Christie – EYFS Leader
Mrs E Cooper – English Leader
Mrs R Taylor – Maths Leader
Please click the link below for details of all our governors, staff and their areas of responsibility.
Oxhey Staffing and Governance Structure 2024-2025
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
If you have any concerns over the safety or well-being of a child please report them to our DSLs
Mrs L Jukes Mrs E Cooper Mrs E Holt Mrs V Christie Mrs R Taylor