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Please find below a link to the Governance arrangements of our school in relation to our membership of the Children First Learning Partnership Multi Academy Trust
For information about the Governance of the Children First Learning Partnership please click here:
Come and meet the Governors at our school! The Governors can be contacted at [email protected]
Full Name:
Margaret Shenton
Chair of Governors
Curriculum Link Governor
Date Appointed:
1st April 2019
Appointed by:
Children First Learning Partnership
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
No Business or Pecuniary interests to declare
Pen Portrait:
I have lived in Biddulph for 49 years, and my daughter attended Oxhey First School. I have 39 years’ experience of working in schools, as a teacher for 22 years, and as a Headteacher for 17 years. I have been a member of the Governing Body of Oxhey First School for 13 years and was Chair of the Governing Body from 2006 to 2013. (NGA guidance recommends that the Chair should occupy the position for no more than a recommended period of six years).Following my retirement as a Headteacher I have worked as clerk to the Governing Body of thirteen schools from 2006 to 2014, including most of the schools in Biddulph. I am proud of the education which Oxhey First School provides for the children and welcome the opportunities which the school’s membership of the Children First Learning Partnership will give to all at Oxhey.
Full Name:
Wendy Parrott
Vice Chair of Governors
Inclusion Link Governor
Date Appointed:
1st April 2019
Appointed by:
Children First Learning Partnership
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
Pen Portrait:
I have recently been appointed to the Local Advisory Board for Oxhey First School and I am really happy to be part of the Oxhey journey at this very exciting time. I have two young sons, one of which is currently in year 1, so I am committed to ensuring our children’s learning environment is an enjoyable one; and a place where our children are encouraged and nurtured to be the very best they can be.
I am a solicitor by profession, with 15 years litigation and governance experience. I bring my professional skills to this role as well as skills I’ve developed over the past 3 years being part of a very effective governing body at Endon High School, where I was also the link governor for history.
I am really looking forward to working with the whole school community and would like to hear from you if you have any questions or queries. My contact details can be obtained from the school reception.
Full Name:
Alan Rogers
Co-Opted Governor
Date Appointed:
1st April 2019
Appointed by:
Local Advisory Board
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Husband of a member of staff
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
Local Business owner.
Pen Portrait:
Since joining the governing body of Oxhey around 17 years ago Alan has held various posts including vice chair and chair for a short time. He conducted the head teacher’s performance management for many years and has spent most of his time lending his opinion on the financial side of the school’s activities.
His skill set is mainly from a business and finance angle, but as a parent of a former pupil, and as a former pupil himself, he has a long-standing interest in the continued success of the school for all present and future pupils.
He has great faith in the future of the MAT and Oxhey’s role within it. The LAB has some new faces now and these new sets of opinions will only strengthen the board going forward.
Full Name:
Mr Michael Casewell
Parent Governor
Date Appointed:
Appointed by:
Local Advisory Board
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
No Business or Pecuniary interests to declare
Pen Portrait:
. I was born in Biddulph and after a period of time away from the town, returned to the place I call home. My son is currently in Yr3 and has had a really positive experience at the school, and I feel like I would like to give something back and help the school continue to do great things and to progress.
In my career I have been fortunate enough to run 2 businesses giving me ultimate responsibility for all aspects of health & safety, firstly in food manufacturing and latterly in an eCommerce warehousing operation. In both of those roles, I also had ultimate responsibility for all aspects of HR. In my current role, I am required to commit to standard training in Health, Safety and Welfare and Fire Safety, specifically within a private medical setting. I have also completed certified courses in Equality and Diversity, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights.
Whilst I feel that I have the knowledge to be able to make a meaningful contribution to the specific vacancy advertised, my wider skillset may mean that I can contribute to the board in other areas. In my professional life, and in my role as a football coach in the community, I have gained multiple certificates in safeguarding, of children, adults, and vulnerable adults. I am keen to help to ensure that the school is a fun and safe place to be for all children.
As a board member of a private medical business, I have a good understanding of the need for discretion and confidentiality, which would be carried forward into this role, should I be successful. As a member of the community, I also understand that there is potential to be exposed to sensitive information about other community members who may even be friends, and fully understand the need for confidentiality in those situations.
I have over 15 years’ experience of budget control and P&L management and have been a director, and board member of businesses for the past 6 years, setting and contributing to their strategic direction.
Full Name:
Mrs Danielle Sullivan
Co-Opted Governor
Date Appointed:
Appointed by:
Local Advisory Board
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
No Business or Pecuniary interests to declare
Pen Portrait:
I have a Son in Year 1 at Oxhey First School and I wish to contribute my professional skills to the role in order to support the Board of Governors and to help the school to continue to succeed for years to come in any way that I can. I am happy to be an active member of the school, I have recently joined the school PTFA and enjoyed attending my first school trip last summer. I have a number of friends with children at Oxhey and I am keen to give something back to the school.
Since my Son joined Oxhey in the nursery, I have been very impressed with the school and their friendly staff in providing a positive learning environment. I would like to help to develop and continue this within the school.
I am a Partner in a local accountancy practice where I have been part of the team for 20 years. Professionalism and deadlines are part of my everyday life. Although I have a taxation and finance background, key parts of my professional role are budgeting, internal policies, recruitment, HR and health & safety for staff and clients. Confidentiality is key.
In order to support the role of Parent Governor, I would be happy to undertake any required training.
I am not afraid to ask difficult questions if necessary on behalf of all the children this school serves. I am also keen to support the school and all of its dedicated staff who work so hard.
In summary, I would like to become a Parent Governor to help to continue to steer the school in the right direction and to retain its excellent reputation for academic success.
Full Name:
Mrs Jennifer Clowes
Associate Governor
Date Appointed:
Appointed by:
Local Advisory Board
Term of Office:
4 Years
Relationships between other Governors or school staff:
Niece of member of staff
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other educational institutions:
No Business or Pecuniary interests to declare
Pen Portrait:
I have worked as a commercial insurance broker for the past 25 years.
This role has been very varied over this time period and has involved the following:
Management of mid-size teams of sales/administration staff – including HR, 1-2-1’s, terminations, training etc
Risk assessments for large corporate businesses in order to adequately place their insurance risks
Continuous Professional Development through exams, training courses and seminars
I was previously a shareholder of my own brokerage and sat on the board of shareholders making strategic decisions for the business
I was a volunteer Teaching Assistant 2 days per week at Oxhey First School in 2016 and attended a TA qualification at Macclesfield College
I feel passionately about the wellbeing of the children at Oxhey as my own child attends there.
I am a qualified Psychotherapist and have worked as a volunteer Samaritan as I feel passionate about people’s mental health and how we can help people with mental health issues
Mr M Casewell - Safeguarding
Mrs D Sullivan - Health and Safety
Mrs M Shenton - Curriculum
Mrs W Parrott - Inclusion