History Learning

In History we have been learning all about the past and how we have changed since we were born. We looked at our baby photographs and discussed all the ways we had changed. Can you tell who is who?

Remote Learning for Amazing Alligators 31.1.22

Current Coronavirus Guidance and School Response Monday March 16th  8 p.m.

Current Coronavirus Guidance and School Response Monday March 16th  8 p.m. Following updated Government advice, our schools have cancelled any activities they currently deem unnecessary such as: Assemblies Trips Parent engagement activities Visits from other schools Extra curricular activities All lettings Lunchtime arrangements are under review but will remain normal in terms of provision. Our care club facilities will remain open but under review on a […]

COVID 19 risk assessment

Please see our risk assessment for further information Coronavirus – risk assessment – CFLP Website

Corona virus 2020.doc


29th November 19 22nd November 2019 15th November 19 8th November 19       25th Oct 19 (2) 18th October 19 11th Oct 19 4th Oct 19 27th Sep 2019 20th Sep 2019 13th Sep 2019 5th Sep 2019 v2