Oxhey First School takes great pride in the amount of different clubs we offer to our children. We are committed to developing the whole child, preparing them for the future, with life long skills. During their time at Oxhey all pupils will have access to an extensive variety of extra curricular clubs. Clubs run at lunchtimes or after school, delivered by both school and specialist practitioners. Many opportunities are provided for children to develop interests outside of the ordinary range of the curriculum and provide children with a range of experiences they may not otherwise have access to elsewhere.

Please look out for a termly text message regarding our clubs offer, a timetable of events and the individual club letters. This information shall also be available on this page in the drop down menus below.
Once staff have received requests via the slip on the letter or a written note (please do not email the office) we will text message you to confirm which clubs your child has been allocated a place in. Clubs are allocated on a first come, first served basis. If your child does not get on a place in the club they wish to do, they will be added to a waiting list and will have first priority next time the club runs.
Life skills Club have been very busy this term. They have been learning lots of new skills, such as tying their shoes laces, brushing their teeth, folding bed sheets and much more all whilst having lots of fun!
Young Voices '22
Lyrics and music
Please click on the link below to access lyrics and music for the YV 2022 songs
Sports week
EYFS Sports week
KS1 Sports week
Terrific Turtles
Amazing Alligators
Hula hooping
Japanese Kendama 'Beat your Score' challenge
Race for Life
Sports Day