Please click below to see our E-safety policy
Oxhey First School E-Safety Policy 2022 (1)
Oxhey First School NOS Accreditation July 2023
Useful resources for staying safe online
Click here for 'What parents and carers need to know about NETFLIX' from National Online Safety
Safer Internet Day
Please see below for a range of activities and support materials for parents and carers to access at home. They support this year's theme of 'What to trust on line - and fake news'
5) Parents and Carers Resource Sheet
7) What to trust online (A Parents and Carers Guide)
Staffordshire Police APP Game and Online Resources
Online Safety during Corona Virus lockdown
E-safety from Staffordshire Police
Online safety advice
What is E-safety?
E-safety is about safety with mobile and computer devices. It stands for electronic safety. Oxhey First School takes an active role in E-safety, making it one of our priorities to ensure children stay safe when using new technologies.
The National Curriculum 2014 states that children should: use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. This is throughout the whole of the primary years emphasising the importance further.
Below there are many links to resources which support children and parents in adopting safe approaches to new technologies.
Parental controls are an important way to keep your child safe online.
Parental controls can be used to block upsetting or harmful content, control in-app purchases or manage how long your child spends online. And the good news is parental controls are really easy to set up.
Innocent searches sometimes reveal not so innocent results. So if you’re worried about what your child is searching for online, who they’re talking to or what they’re seeing, we can help
Where do we start? The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our children’s. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much. You might be struggling to keep up with the things your child is doing online, thinking how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline? This site aims to make online parenting simple. Even if the only search engine you use is a pair of binoculars, do not despair. Here you’ll find practical tips and simple guidance.
The Digital Parenting website and magazines offer parents information and advice about the latest digital technologies and the kind of challenges children and teenagers might face in their digital world. Our Expert View articles, ‘How to’ guides and Take Action checklists will help you to stay up-to-date and feel more confident about getting involved.
Where you will find useful information and access to our help service (ask us anything you like).
Know IT All for Parents is a unique interactive e-safety guide for parents and carers produced by Childnet International. It's designed to really help you as a parent or carer keep up to date with how children are using the internet, and support them in using these new exciting services safely and responsibly.
This website contains lots of useful information.
Internet Watch Foundation: Invites users to report illegal Websites
A comprehensive overview of web-based resources to support parents
Have a look through some of the websites below to learn more about staying safe online, and why it is so important!