Welcome to Oxhey PTFA.....
We recognise everyone is busy and that realistically the very last thing anyone who has children (let alone a job and pets and other responsibilities on top of that) wants to do is feel like they're 'signed up' for something and they have extra commitments to squeeze in!
So, we like to be a bit different in this respect. We rarely hold meetings if we can help it - and try and keep to one initial planning meeting per event (5 events a year). From this point we then communicate via group chat on what's app, our Facebook group, e-mail and shouting various instructions or ideas to each other across the playground as we run the kids across to class at 8:57am!!
We also understand that helping at every event and attending every meeting is just not a realistic possibility without things getting a bit too much, therefore a member is a member regardless of how many events you do, what time you can give and what stalls you can work - without the input from many we would not be as effective as we are. We have members who can only help set up, members who can only work one event, members who can only source donations, members who write up articles for the local papers for us. We are all still members!
This drives us as a very well working team.
This has proven very popular for our membership and we now have a fantastic passionate group of members with ideas constantly flowing. If you would like to join in, you will definitely be made welcome.