October 2021
July 2021
June 2021
Important information - April 2021
Important information - Re-opening of school 8th March 2021
Oxhey's Remote Learning Offer & Sample Timetables
Oxhey First School Remote education information for parents. Jan 2021.docx
KS2 Timetable (1) KS2 Timetable (2) KS2 Timetable (3) Nursery Timetable Reception Timetable Week 1 KS1 Timetable Week 2 KS1 Timetable Week 3 - KS1 Timetable Week 4 - KS1 Timetable
Well-being and Mental Health Resources and Support
Please look in the SEND tab and scroll down to the SEMH -Social & Emotional Mental Health section.
Listen to Pep the Poet's well-being stories at: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCrlsiWLZggw5ZiCwzmfIBNA/videos
Home Learning Certificates
AA parent - Thank you for making my child welcome and settled. She has really enjoyed being back.
TT parent - I just want to say a massive thank you for all your feedback on our child/s work over the weeks it's really kept her motivated and she's really looked forward to reading your emails. Happy to hand her back over to you next week though and she's so looking forward to being back in school.
MM parent - Hi. I would just like to say a huge thank you to the WHOLE team of Oxhey for this latest school lockdown, you have kept my daughter safe and well and my child has been so so happy all the way through and it’s down to you guys for your patience, commitment and time to the children and parents through these very strange times, The meet and greets on the entrance gates, always with a smile, the Ks2 team within the bubble have been amazing, the prompt emails from Miss Jones and just the feeling overall has been so lovely through hard times.
Thank you and without you guys being so supportive to myself also, it would of been a lot harder as a working mum.
All the very best for Monday and I hope all the children and parents value how awesome you ALL are.
TT & MM parent - Both our children have had a lovely time working through the world book day activities together, including the maths quiz, the masked readers, guess the story and the secret story teller. Thank you to everyone who has put in the extra effort to provide these lovely resources for the children today. Please pass on our thanks to all. (We were most impressed with Mrs Barker's extract from Supertato...we had to play it back several times due to laughing too loud to hear the story!)
OO parent - I just wanted to send all my positive feedback to you at the end of a really tough week. It's been so well structured and organised. For us here, the workload has been enough to provide that 'push' without being exhausting. Thank you so much.
MM parent - Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all you are doing. We have been so impressed with the work content and support you have all given. You're doing an amazing job!!!
MM parent - Thank you for everybody's hard work. You are all amazing. Thank you for supporting me and my child through this. I couldn't wish for a better school for her.
DD parent - I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to you and Mrs Petznick for everything you're doing to support our child with his home learning. I think you're both amazing at what you do and your passion for education emanates.
SS parent - I just wanted to email to say how fantastic the home learning resources have been and just how lovely it has been for our child to watch videos of Mrs Holt & Mrs Bibby delivering phonics, lessons etc. It's all so well organised and well explained and although I'm, no home schooling pro, even I am managing to navigate my way around the online activity and Microsoft Teams folders. The daily class class are also brilliant and a great way for our child to still see her friends, making her a happier girl. I appreciate it must be a huge stress with children in and children out of school but we are really grateful.
Important information
Oxhey First School COVID 19 Full Lockdown Risk Assessment Jan 2021 Version 2 08.02.21
CFLP Covid 19 safeguarding policy addendum Jan 2021
Oxhey First School COVID 19 Full Lockdown Risk Assessment January 2021 12.01.21
Using Xbox or Playstation to access Microsoft Teams
Keyworker Provision Jan 7th Jan 21
Key worker letter Jan 2021 (1)
Oxhey First COVID 19 Full Re Opening Risk Assessment Nov 2020
Oxhey First School COVID 19 Full Re Opening Risk Assessment Nov 2020 - Final V7 (1)
Oxhey First School Covid 19 Risk Assessment 20.10.20
CFLP Plan for Tiered Local Restrictions 12.10.20
Parents carers letter - from Cllr Price and Dr Harling - 23.9.20
23rd September - PHE letter to parents and guardians
Oxhey Safeguarding Policy 2020-2021
Parent leaflet - Returning to school after COVID - https://www.staffordshireconnects.info/kb5/staffordshire/directory/advice.page?id=ZpVtbSijsR4
Coronavirus attendance guidance - Updated version
COVID Signposting Info Sept 2020
September Information for Parents
Oxhey COVID 19 Full Re Opening Risk Assessment Sept 2020 - Final
CFLP Covid 19 safeguarding policy
Lunch menu from 1st September 2020
JUNE 2020
Oxhey First School Covd 19 Risk Assessment for re-opening.docx
1st June opening letter N,R, Y1,Key workers copy
Video - explaining the one way system in school
Video Player

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